Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Blessed to Serve!!

  …..Overflowing with Thankfulness  Col 2:7

                Greetings and Happy Holidays!

 I hope each of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends!!  It is that time of year again - I am preparing for a month long trip to serve at Eagle's Nest in January. As always, it is a struggle to put into words - what is in my heart -concerning my upcoming trip;  God truly has provided every single thing needed for these trips to occur, for which I am so very thankful!  Sitting down and writing a letter for support continues to be the most challenging thing to do.  It is a very humbling experience.  

  Most of you know that I have been going to EN since 2007 and started serving the month of January a few years ago.  I am so thankful that my church, Austin Christian Fellowship, opened the door for this opportunity in my life.  Serving long-term has created relationships that will remain treasured memories in my life. The Home provides care 24/7 for children, toddlers, and infants that have been removed from homes - usually because of abuse or extreme neglect.  EN also provides for many special needs children.  It has been wonderful to see how they have flourished and developed because of the love and care they receive.  
                                          Ingrid loving on her brother, Erick
 Just imagine if you were a child and were taken to a new place to live.  New environment, strangers, sometimes language barriers - can you imagine how scared, alone and frightened they might feel?  I honestly can't - but I do know that EN embraces, loves, accepts, provides for and goes above and beyond to do whatever possible to make the child realize they are in a "safe" place.
The children that have been there since I have been going know me and know that I am coming back - because I love them.  The older boys have been moved into a small apartment on the property so they learn responsibilities and grow as young men in a family environment.  The older girls will be doing the same sometime in 2015.  Eagle's Nest is totally dependent on the generosity of others to provide for all of the children.
          The older boys and their house parent, Omar
                                          Time with the older girls

My time is spent helping with projects, cleaning, painting, homework, play time, and where ever I am needed.  It is my goal to not be a burden in any way serving for a month; but to be helpful, uplifting, encouraging, and loving to everyone at EN.  The most important thing I do is love and play with the children.  I can hardly wait to be there!!
Please, prayerfully, consider supporting my trip to Eagle's Nest for the month of January.  As always, the funds raised will be used specifically for this trip and excess funds raised are spent on items needed at the Home.  In the past I have been able to purchase bedspreads and curtains for all the kids rooms, 50 wooden chairs for the dining area, items for the kitchen, shoes, diapers, help with medical cost, paint, dressers, tables, supplies and the list goes on. These things I have been able to do because of your generosity. 
Also, please add me to your prayer list as I prepare to leave my home and business for a month.  Prayers for my safety when I travel in January - and that I show God's love to everyone I meet.
A tax deductible check can be made out to Austin Christian Fellowship with Guatemala/Henley in the memo line or you can make the check to me personally.  Either way please mail to my address:  
1300 West Lakeland Drive, Austin, Texas 78732

More information on Eagle’s Nest is available at:
You can keep up while I serve or view past posts at:

Love and Blessings,


            When God's children are in need, be the one to help them out 
                                                 Romans 12:13

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