Monday, January 22, 2018

Go be Love

The voice of the Lord echoes from the clouds.  The God of glory thunders through the skies. 
                                                                       Psalm 29:3

Can hardly believe it has been a week since I posted.  Hopefully those of you keeping up can see facebook posts/photos.  Although it is easier, I enjoy sharing stories here.
Last week entailed cleaning, organizing, playing,  helping with homework, playing with babies,
changing diapers, feeding, exercise classes, and whatever might be needed.  Lots of loving on kids!
I always try and be available to help serve the meal during Manna Wednesday through Friday.
Some children attending I know from previous years but we also have many new children attending.  The pastor and his wife, Job and Eva, visit the families regular to evaluate and see if family needs have changed.
It's nice to walk some of the kids a short distance down the road to a little store for a snack and soda.
Keep in mind they are on the property 24/7 so it is a fun time for them to do something different.
I have yet to perfect a selfie, or a camera that removes wrinkles, so this is the best it gets!!
We had lots of laughs trying to figure out how to get us all in the picture.  They are all good kids!
Keep in mind they are on the property 24/7, except for the older kids who go to school off the property now, so getting off the property is treat in itself.

Church is always great.  It is wonderful to see the kids worshiping the Lord plus it is a good time to see them all at once and get pictures.
Thanks for keeping up!  Blessings, Denise

                                           "When you Want to be Loved - Go be Love"

Monday, January 15, 2018

Busy days

The kids are getting into a routine going to school.  The backpacks sometimes weigh as much as them but they insist upon carrying them themselves. Thank goodness it is a short walk to school.

Was cute to see this little girl take out her doll to show her friends this morning.  
The mornings are spent with the toddlers while the other kids are at school.
This cutie is always smiling. We just hang out and play.  
 I was able to spend quality time with a couple of the older girls over the weekend.   We walked into town Saturday, ran some errands, and had yummy fried chicken for lunch. 
 We repeatedly tried to get a good selfie with the ladies making tortillas on the sidewalk behind us.  This is the best we could come up with but had lots of giggles trying.  The people around us started laughing at us too.  My girlfriend that is a selfie pro must give me some lessons.
 The girls thought I was crazy to want to take a picture of this gate.  The countryside is gorgeous but it is hard to capture the beauty in a photo.
We saw this cool fence walking to town - picture worthy.
I seldom share what I do here other than love, play, and exercise with the kids.
Always, always, painting, organizing or cleaning to be done so never short of something to do.
Will share more later, can barely keep my eyes open.
Thanks for keeping up.
Blessings, Denise

Friday, January 12, 2018


 The new baby has adjusted and is eating and sleeping great.  He is certainly being loved on and cared
 for while he is here.

Eagle's Nest host a program called "Manna" that feeds children from the nearby community Wednesday through Friday.
 It is sponsored by a company in the U.S and the families are visited and qualified by the Pastor to attend.  They get a warm meal and a bible lesson before lunch - and playtime after.
This property had a run down pool on it when it was purchased years ago. They were able to restore and utilize on property.  The water is very cold, but many of the Manna children use it to clean off when they are here.

When I first started coming to Eagle's Nest eleven years ago at times water in the pool was used for showering and cooking when the City turned the water off.

You never know when that will be. Yesterday the electricity was shut off all day in this area - so  grateful for the team that put a generator on the property a few years ago.  It can be challenging to take care of 50 children as well as run a school with 200 kids without electricity all day.
We have a lot of new faces at Manna, approximately 50 attend.  Side note - they walk alone to get here, some are very young, the siblings or family members help the youngest.  A few of the children were toddlers when I met them.
 The kids attending change as family situations and the need changes.  It is always nice to see familiar faces and grateful once again for the opportunity to be here and love on these kids too.  Thanks for keeping up with my journey.   Blessings, Denise
....I washed your feet.  So you also should wash each other's feet.  I did this as an example for you.  So you should serve each other just as I served you.  
John 13:14-15

Tuesday, January 9, 2018


We had two families from Canada come help at the Home today.   (ironic that today of all days to meet people from Canada - for those of you that knew Ty) They were such a huge help!  We played with the toddlers while the Mama's had a meeting this morning.  Then we updated the inventory supply list so we know what items are needed for the Home. After they left continued on with cleaning, organizing, and taking rest of Christmas decor down.  Lots accomplished. 
The reception area and coffee shop being built on the property is coming along quickly.  It is always amazing to see the process the workers use building here - they do a fabulous job!!
The goal eventually is for Eagle's Nest to be able to roast their own coffee here on the property.
Several of the older kids will be trained and be able to work there when teams come in.
The goal is to have it completed by the end of February. 
Had play time with the toddlers late in the day on the small playground we got built on property a few years ago.   Lots of smiles and laughter - toothless smiles I might add!

 A new baby arrived as well.  He is approximately three months old and appears to be in good health, which is wonderful!  Don't know much information - but he will be loved and cared on here while the courts decide.  I was lucky and got to rock him to sleep tonight.  He was very fussy and one of the Mama's suggested using phone for baby soothing music.  It worked!!  Wasn't long before he stopped crying and was sleeping peacefully.  Prayers for him as he transitions being here. 
Love and Blessings, Denise

Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me
Mark 9:37

Monday, January 8, 2018

Full days

The beauty in this area is indescribable and is just breathtaking!!

Yesterday was church - it is always a special time to see the kids worshiping the Lord.  
It is wonderful to see the growth in kids of every age, not physically but spiritually, year after year. 
Thanks to the guidance, direction, and mentors they have at Eagle's Nest. This makes my heart so happy.  One of the boys leads worship at church and said he continually asks God to direct his steps.  
 He and his sister were brought to Eagle's Nest eight years ago on the very day that I was leaving from a week long trip with church.  We were on the bus about to leave and I was allowed to jump off and go meet them. So grateful to have a relationship with not only them but all the children here.
Our special needs children have improved drastically since last year - just incredible the difference thanks to the therapy they have received. 
The girls and my time together has been special - five teenager girls will keep you on your toes for sure!  I have loved the extra time with them and hopefully they feel the same!
School started today - the older kids were able to register in a school in town that will assist them in preparing for a trade or study when they graduate.  Very thankful to those that contributed and made that happen!!   
The other kids at the Home attend Colegio Neuvo Dia, located on the property.  It is a private school that Eagle's Nest has run for several years.   It is great to be able to walk the younger kids to school right here on the property.  The story behind how the school became a reality is a God thing for sure.
Much more to share, will try and post regular.  Thanks for keeping up with my journey.

Blessings. Denise

Friday, January 5, 2018

Short and Sweet

Girls and I did deep cleaning in kitchen today. Took walk off property to little store for snack. Loved on the babies.
The kids have grown since last year.  Saw some workers harvesting - hurt my back to watch them!  Ladies carrying  yummy food to sell at the Market.  The boys love riding their bikes -they have about 1/3 mile they go back and forth on.  The girls and I walked off property to little store and got a snack after cleaning all morning.   The babies and the kids have really grown since last year.  One little boy is so much stronger than he was last year it is amazing!!  So thankful they are getting the therapy and help they need to get stronger!  Great day, it is beautiful here in many ways.   Blessings!!
                           He gives the childless woman a household, making her the 
                            joyful mother of children.  Hallelujah!   Psalm 113:9
                               Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, bicycle and outdoorImage may contain: 1 person, indoor