for while he is here.
Eagle's Nest host a program called "Manna" that feeds children from the nearby community Wednesday through Friday.
It is sponsored by a company in the U.S and the families are visited and qualified by the Pastor to attend. They get a warm meal and a bible lesson before lunch - and playtime after.
This property had a run down pool on it when it was purchased years ago. They were able to restore and utilize on property. The water is very cold, but many of the Manna children use it to clean off when they are here.
We have a lot of new faces at Manna, approximately 50 attend. Side note - they walk alone to get here, some are very young, the siblings or family members help the youngest. A few of the children were toddlers when I met them.
The kids attending change as family situations and the need changes. It is always nice to see familiar faces and grateful once again for the opportunity to be here and love on these kids too. Thanks for keeping up with my journey. Blessings, Denise
....I washed your feet. So you also should wash each other's feet. I did this as an example for you. So you should serve each other just as I served you.
John 13:14-15
Cute little needy children, and yes VERY cold water. Refreshing and Cleaning.