Monday, January 21, 2013

Pastor Job casa

Hola!  So much for posting daily blogs, just not enough hours in the day.  Today was spent preparing a very traditional Guatemala home for Pastor Job and his family.  It is four rooms but the only access from one to
other is to walk along the porch outside.
Mama Clarita cleaning windows
Traditional Guatemala home
  Pastor Job may be new to the EN staff but he is not new to the family.  Larry and Claire Boggs who started the EN ministry have known him since he was born.  His father is a Pastor in San Marcos, a village about four hours away, and Pastor Job has followed in his footsteps.  I was invited to participate in the families devotion last friday and can't tell you how much I adore them all!  What a great addition they will be here at EN!!  His wife and children sat down at the table for a short 20 minute devotion.  We took turns reading scripture, they in Spanish, me in English.  What was so awesome was they started the devotion with a prayer from their daughter, Izzy, who is just adorable.

 In wasn't just a short little prayer to open our devotion.  It was obvious she was praying from the heart.  She took her time and sincerely prayed to God.  It was extremely touching. Then the family sang about three songs with open praise and love for God. Beautiful.  Pastor Job then taught on Psalm 51, specifically scriptures 6, 10, and 17.  We then closed with prayer and we all prayed for one another - wonderful evening.

So back to today.  Many families in the surrounding communities don't live in this kind of home.  They have mud brick walls and tin roofs.  The bathroom at Pastor Job's is outside.  One door is the shower, the other is
the toilet that the owner just installed.  They do not have a hot water heater.  It is something hooked up to the shower head called a Widow maker because of how it is rigged up.  

The City shuts off the water most of the day.  You have water in the mornings from like 6-8 or so and then they turn it on in the evening around four and I think it is turned off again at night.  So, they have sinks called "Pila's" with three compartments.  They fill up the middle one with clean water.  You use a clean bowl to scoop water from the clean to wash dishes on the right side.  The left side has "scrub ridges" like an old 
scrub board to wash clothes in.  No, they don't have a washer or dryer. 
Outside Pila for laundry
Pila in Kitchen

Claire and I scrubbed them clean as best we could so that when the water came on we could fill the middle section up.  The family didn't arrive till late afternoon.  Some of the team members men that are here came and made a wall in one of the rooms so that the three boys will have a separate room from Izzy.  
They had a make shift wood shop in the back of the truck.  Bunkbeds were bought for the boys. Actually it is a bunk with a trundle so perfect for the three of them.  The boys and Izzy were so excited when they saw them.This is the full size of the room for all three boys.  You can barely see the new plywood wall that they put up today.  On the other side is Izzy's room.  I noticed the children's toys on the bed and snapped a quick photo.  She had a doll and they boys had a plastic basket of toys.
The kitchen is very simple, a Pila and a wood cook stove.  So thankful the stove is ventilated out of the Home.  Many in the area are not and smoke just fills the rooms and the lungs of the families.
The family has a dog and two cats that the children were very proud of.  Izzy wanted me to take a photo of her with the dog, I think it's name is precious.  The cats got to travel in card board boxes that they boys carefully
put down when they arrived.  They obviously love the animals and take good care of them.

Once the furniture arrived the team of men got it unloaded in about half an hour.

  It was great to see the smiles on Pastor Job and his wife Eva, as well as the children as they saw the new Home.  I am grateful that I was able to help prepare the home for them and look forward to spending time with them while I am here.

Lots more to share, but must get some sleep.  The wind is howling once again, hope the children don't have bad dreams!!  Thanks for your prayers for Pastor Job and his family as they become a part of this awesome Ministry at Eagle's Nest.

Blessings to you,


Don't store up treasures here on earth, where they can be eaten by moths and get rusty, and where thieves break in and steal.
Store your treasures in heaven, where they will never become moth-eaten or rusty and where they will be safe from thieves.
Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will be also.  Matthew 6:19-21

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing about your time in Guatemala. Look forward to reading more about what is going on there.

    Take care,
