Hola Amigos! The wind has been really strong last night and throughout the day. Seems to get worse at night. I would guess 35 to 40 mph?? It sounds like someone howling, rumor has it it is a ghost howling which scares some of the children and they don't sleep to well. Neither did I last night for that natter. Silly Ghost!!
What a treat to get to see the Grublets today. It was not planned but so glad it worked out. If you missed my post on Grublets last year you may want to glance over
(Skip the detailed account of the BBQ if you don't want your stomach to start growling.)
It was an impromptu visit so we (Pastor Job and I) picked up some beans and rice and cookies/juice boxes for the kiddos. I shared with him about the Grublets and asked if we could stop by. Plus he speaks spanish so could translate my ramblings to the family!! As soon as we got close enough I hollered 'buenos dias' and they all came running. The Mamma is bringing up the rear. They live next to a tire shop hence the many tires stacked in front of the home.

While Pastor Job introduced himself (rude of me not to introduce him actually) but I couldn't wait to hug them. All the while hoping that they remembered me from previous visits. We mentioned Mama Clarita and Papa Larry who have been stopping by their house for years and they for sure know them. They also pointed out "machillas" (backpacks) that we had given them last year. It looked like they had been washed and were hanging up to dry. So much for previous blog statement about this not being about me. I was really hoping they remembered me!! Lo Siento (Sorry)
It is pretty amazing for although they are obviously living in Poverty, they always have big smiles on their faces. Pastor Job asked the Mama if the children were in school. The younger children are but she said the older girls, three of them, can't go to school because it cost too much money. ($100. per child for the school year plus supplies which I assume would be another $100. for the year.) The father works in a village about hour or so away, not sure of his trade. The Mamma and the children were so grateful for the few items we dropped off. It breaks your heart and at the same time so thankful that we were able to do help in some small way.
Every single child said thank you and Dios de Amor (God Loves You). Melts your Heart.
I thought about the series Will is teaching on in Austin - "Enough". And what Enough really means in our life, especially in the States when most of us live on more than Enough day after day. This family more than likely is in the "Less than Enough" category on a regular basis. Really no words to describe how it tears your heart out. Can I raise funds for the next three years and make sure the older girls go to school? Would the Mamma make sure the funds were used for school and that the girls went to school? What about extra funds that may be needed throughout the year? Etc... Etc... Etc...
I will pray about it as well as get advice from the Patlan's and Bogg's and keep you posted.
We left the family, through the mattress springs you can see in the background. That is the gate that the youngest boy ran out and opened for us to walk through to his home. The Mamma is in the back left in the photo. The next time I stop I will find out each of their names, it bothered me when I left that I didn't know them. So many thoughts whirling through my head after our visit - I wonder when they last showered? How long have they wore the same clothes? When was their last meal? They obviously have no heating and air and it is quite cold tonight and the wind continues to howl. Are they warm tonight?
As we drove away they all ran back up to the house and turned around and waved. You can barely see them in the background in this photo but they were waving and yelling Gracias with huge smiles on their faces. It's seems selfish to say I am thankful for all I have in my life -although I am. "More than Enough' is what keeps coming to mind instead.
I will pray for God's daily provision in their life and I ask that you do the same.
Romans 12:13 When God's children are in need, be the one to help them out
Denise, certainly we could gather funds for these girls to go to school - if it would be used for that?? Let me know how the Lord leads.
ReplyDeleteThanks Barbara! I will for sure keep you posted! Pastor Job felt the funds would be used for school for the girls aren't staying home to work. School best option for them of course. Hope to chat with Larry and Claire about it tomorrow. When will you be here? Hope I am still here. I leave on the 10th of February. Hugs