Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Goodbye's to Dulce and Jose Luis

Having to say goodbye isn't easy.  A little over a week ago sweet Dulce was returned to her birth parents.
She has been here since she was 7 months old.  I loved on her last year when I was here for two months and I loved on her as much as I could before she left last week.  She started walking since I was last here.  She is beautiful little girl.
                                                             Ever and Dulce

                                                 Dulce leaving Eagle's Nest.  She will be missed.

Jose Luis was returned to his mother by the courts a couple of weeks ago.  She and her oldest son came and picked him up today.  Felis blogged about Dulce and Jose Luis. How they came to be at the Home and how long they have been here.  Short blog at http://patlans4guate.blogspot.com/

                                                         Jose Luis warming up on concrete

                                                                    Dancing Show

Jose Luis has also grown and changed since I was last here. He certainly seems more confident and mature.
I happened to play soccer with a few of the kids this past saturday and he and I were on the same team.  I have told them all that I was NOT a soccer player but they didn't believe me.  After four balls went right through my legs and missing a very easy goal block they knew I wasn't kidding.  Jose Luis got so tickled because I missed so many easy shots.  I started standing with my feet together and jumping side to side to see if I could block a ball that way and that really got them laughing.  He also coerced me into shooting baskets with a little basketball.  Not so good at that either but after a bit of practice I got a few hoops.  He would high five me and be so happy for me when I got one.

                                                    Saying goodbye to Mamma Lucky

One last hug from Mama Felis
                                           Glad I got a self portrait sunday since he left today

I knew he was probably going to be leaving while I was here.  I had asked if he was happy about it in my limited Spanish.  He was. He had told me last night that he would be leaving Wednesday afternoon.  After returning from errands with Felis and Claire today I walked in the office and Jose Luis ran up to me with a big grin. He pointed to the people in the office and said it was his mom and brother and that he was leaving today.  He did introduce them to me but they spoke very little Spanish. They speak a different Mayan dialect.  No clue how to spell it but certainly meant I had no way to communicate with the mother except hug her.
 One last photo

I had made a little card a couple weeks ago when I thought he might leave.  If I wasn't around I had asked Mimi to give it to him.  So thankful that I was here to give it to him myself.  Told him I loved him and would be praying for him. He proudly replied in English, Thank You Denise. A lot of the children from the Home were making cards and bringing them to him, giving him hugs and saying goodbye.  Very touching.

                                          The Patlan's and Mamma Mimi, with Jose Luis and his
                                           mom and older brother to the right.

He has been going to school while he was here.  He is 14 and in the second grade.  (more in Felis's blog)
Our prayer is that his mother will continue to make sure he gets an education.  He is the youngest sibling in the family from what I understand.  His life will be very different.   Not that that is bad, but it will be an adjustment for him.  They live about an hour away and I just expected they had a car or taxi.  Not the case.

His mom and brother had brought two small bags to put what clothes and shoes he had here at the Home.
They gathered the items and headed off walking down the road. Felis told me they would walk to the bus stop about a mile away.
                                                         Leaving Eagle's Nest
                                           Watching them  leave......

                                           Watching from the window with the girls as Jose Luis,
                                            his mom, and brother walk to the bus stop.

So many thoughts ran through my mind as I watched them walk away.   Thankful for Eagle's Nest and the Home they have been for him the past couple of years.  Thankful he believes in God. Thankful that I was here at Eagle's Nest to say goodbye.

Blessings to you,


                                   Trust God from the bottom of your heart;
  don't try to figure out everything on your own.  
Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go;
He's the one who will keep you on track.  Proverbs 3:5-8


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