So glad I got to stop by the Grublets home again before I leave. Claire and Felis gathered up a set of clothes for each child and we put them in backpacks so we could drop them off yesterday. If you aren't familiar with the grublets story you can look at past blogs and get caught up. We didn't see anyone outside when we drove up but I saw someone in the house so Felis honked and one of the girls came out and saw it was us and summoned the other kids. They all came running out in all directions. Tried to capture on camera, not so easy.
Not sure why they attempted climbing the bob wire fence when all we had to do was go through the "box spring mattress gate." The oldest daughter was at school which is good news. She is probably seventeen or eighteen. More than likely she is working and either paying for all or part of school. Because many kids help the families harvest school is also held at night and on the weekends.
So thankful Felis speaks fluent Spanish and Dorian helped communicate with the kids also.
They waited patiently as the backpacks were distributed. Claire and Barbara started visiting the Grublets many, many years ago. Paul and Barbara come down yearly to do a conference for Pastors and wives. They do a wonderful job and it was great to be able to have lunch with all of them today before they headed back home to prepare to preach tomorrow. Because Claire has picked out clothes for kids in the Home for years she is able to look at photo and pick size that is usually right on the money. I on the other hand, not so good at that so very thankful she was here to help do that.
The children are all so polite and well behaved. They stood with the unopened backpacks until I realized they hadn't looked inside yet. One of the girls loves Hello Kitty and we just so happen to have had a Hello Kitty backpack. Way cool. The younger kids were very excited to have crayons and bubbles. When I asked them for a photo they all just stuck the backpacks up in the air. They were so proud.
Felis opened the box of rice that Dorian had hauled from the truck. Thanks Dorian - I know it was heavy. The kids were excited about the rice and the mother got very teary eyed. She
kept saying God Bless You and Thank You. Couldn't hug her enough.
All of them are very dirty. Hair, clothes, shoes, you name it. It is probably a combination of no water and they probably cook inside the home. The black stains on all of them could be black soot inside the house or it could just be they are soiled.
Blogged about stoves a couple weeks ago if you missed it. Felis said maybe a future team here might could plan on getting her a stove built. That would be so wonderful and I pray it happens.
We drove by the home at night and they obviously had no electricity. Can you even imagine????
No water and no electric to help in feeding and providing for your family. It is really extremely difficult to comprehend even when you see it in person. Just no words really. Thankful for the joy it seemed to have brought them that we stopped by.
How can I complain about ANYTHING in my life. I certainly shouldn't.
We were getting ready to leave when a couple of the kids ran to the side of house and brought back - Puppies. They offered us one and thank goodness Felis knew what they were saying. I might of ended up with one. Dorian is an animal lover so I know he wanted one but Felis said no.

Of course she also told them how much we appreciated the offer. They had six or so pups I think and the Mamma said they would sell them.
On my last blog I had said that I would get the names of the children. So here you go from oldest to youngest:
Rosa Maria (the mom), Andrea, Raquel, Stefanie, Wily, Emiliano, Rebecca, and Isaac.
In closing my thoughts are that I have so much to be thankful for in my life.
Please keep this sweet family in your prayers.
Thank you for your prayers and support,
It is possible to give freely and become more wealthy, but those who are
stingy will loose everything. Proverbs 11:24
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