Saturday, January 9, 2016

Fun time out with the boys

Just a quick note to say it is wonderful to be at Eagle's Nest!  The past few days have spent loving on the kids, painting at the school, and taking the boys on a special "outing" off the property today!
   The first stop was between Hamburgers or Fried Chicken at Pollo Campero (my very favorite)
 Thankfully they chose Pollo, all eleven of them!!  The chicken was finger licking good!  We had three different tables of kids and they all were so well behaved and appreciative.
When I went to take the above photo they all started holding their bellies and acting really full.
 They also got crowns to wear as we walked in and those were a big hit!

 Next stop was the barber shop - when we arrived  only one barber was at the shop, so we anticipated it would take a bit of time.  Kevin and I ran a quick errand and when we returned reinforcements had arrived - four barbers where on hand and several of the kids already had haircuts.

 They were all so good and were excited to get new haircuts for the start of school, next Friday.

                                                    Jose Manual sporting his new haircut.
Since four barbers came to the shop we were done in record time - 40 minutes.

                                        (the weather had turned cooler, Kevin was shivering
                                         eating ice cream) and had to borrow Elana's pink coat
                                                    to stay warm)
After that we walked to the park across the street and the boys had a chocolate covered
banana (very popular here) or an ice cream since the little guy selling them ran out.
He was probably not much older than the boys from the Home.  He was out making money
 for his family.  He carries the frozen bananas in an igloo container to keep them frozen.
All the boys sat on the park bench while he passed them out, then he carefully re counted
Papa Pedro's number when it came time for payment. He is quite the little businessman!! 
The boys were very thankful and appreciative for the "outing".  It wouldn't be possible without those that support this trip and make these outings happen!

When we got back to Eagle's Nest the boys all ran and jumped on me saying Thank You!  So consider yourself jumped on and thanked from eleven adorable little boys!  What a wonderful afternoon it was.
Thanks be to God for his inexpressible Gift.  2 Cor 9:15

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