Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Sweet time with Special Kids

What a great day.  I was able to spend time with a few of the Special Needs children here at the Home.  Erick and Ingrid are siblings that were placed in the the home last year. They have both grown and changed so much since I was here last year, thanks to all the loving care they get here at Eagle's Nest.  Teams have brought in wheelchairs that are specifically set up for them.  They receive therapy several times a week and they will attend school in the Special Needs class that starts Friday.

Erick loves being outside so I grabbed him up and carried him all around.  We sat outside and looked at the lake and the beautiful flowers.  He thought it was so funny when I sniffed the roses to smell them.  We walked around inside the school and then we went to the playground so I could swing him in a special swing.  So thankful for the team that brought the swing and got it hung so the Special Needs kids can swing.  He absolutely loved it. 
When we got back inside I sat down to play with the babies - and to my surprise I looked up and Ingrid was walking down the hall with the help of a Mama!  I have never seen her walk and was so excited - she was too!  Her feet crossover so she had to concentrate and try hard to get the left
foot to go in front of the right.   She was not able to walk at all last year when I was here - she was confined to a wheelchair or laying on the floor.  Once again so thankful for the team that brought the wheelchairs that are adjusted specifically to her needs. 
 Sweet baby Eliceo (they call him Chello) was so tiny last year.  He has grown but is still very small.  He keeps getting pneumonia and has been so sick he has been hospitalized several times.  It was so good to see him smiling and happy today and he has the most gorgeous, long, eyelashes!.

Hopefully he will stay well and won't have to make any more trips to the hospital.
Santiago (with Ingrid) was brought to the home in December.  He has a bad cold now and they are giving him breathing treatments (once again thanks to the teams that bring those supplies for the Home).  He looks to be around two but when I asked his age they said he was four years old.
I saw him crawling on the floor and asked if he could walk and the Mama said no.
She then went and got the special walker he can use.  It took a bit of coaxing to get him
to let me walk down the hall with him instead of the Mama - well actually he was happy
if I just held one hand and he held walker with the other.  We made two full laps down the hall, that is fairly long by the way.  He was smiling and giggling the entire time.  I would say "bravo, bravo" and then applause and he would start clapping.  Was just adorable!   I also got several thumbs up but
was never fast enough to catch on camera.  But I was able to catch him clapping, so very sweet.

Was a small part of the day and so thankful I was able to spend time with them all.
Hopefully will be able to do that on a regular basis for the rest of my stay. 
Please remember I am not a writer, just sharing from my heart.

So many stories to share, never enough time.  Or should I say I can't keep my eyes open long enough to share more.  Thanks for the prayers and encouragement to serve here - it is a blessing.

               Speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.  Prov 31:9

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