Hello friends,
It appears that Facebook is easiest and quickest way for me to share as I serve here at Eagle's Nest.
Sharing pictures is important but has become increasingly difficult and time consuming - which has caused me just not to share - but I love to share! So, for those of you that don't have facebook and want to keep up I encourage you to find a friend and send me a friend request. You can then access my timeline and see photos almost daily and keep up. I so appreciate all of your love support and encouragement. Love and hugs, Denise
p.s. This is post on facebook without photos from couple of days ago.
Claire and I went to big city Tuesday, Chela, to buy small wooden baby beds to replace play pens that were worn out. On the way made u-turn to buy 2 gorgeous tables being sold on side of road. Appeared the mother made and stained the tables. Her daughter was probably 4-5 and had the younger sibling on her back. They start helping out very young here. Next stop baby beds - thanks to donor who made that possible. Did some negotiating and went to leave - Car wouldn't start! Thank goodness Claire had friend nearby that had jumper cables and came to our rescue. Whole new meaning to battery cables! Thank goodness he knew of auto shop couple blocks down!! Walked across highway walkway to have lunch while we waited on car. Claire lived in Chela for 20 yrs when they had orphanage there and had never walked across one so we took a selfie. Had a most delicious meal at restaurant I had never been to them got back on the road to finish errands. So many laughs today our bellies hurt!
Haven't blogged much since I have been here for it is time consuming and usually too tired at night to do it. Super Bowl is on now, went to room with TV, finally found station with it in English so I can say I watched it. Thought would be good time to blog.
The big kids house parents were off this weekend so I got to stay with them Fri/Sat. They have grown into such great young men. One of the highlights of my trip last year was being Mama for the older kids for ten days. They each had designated days to cook, chores to do, laundry, and homework. Ever made delicious Huevos Rancheros for dinner last night and the presentation was awesome.
Unfortunately I missed tacos Juan Carlos made for lunch but got a picture.
They are all really good cooks! Eliceo made waffles for breakfast and I did cook for them - made them egg sandwiches before church today.
Saturday morning I walked with the girls down to a little store for a soda and snack. They don't get off the property much so I try and do that while I am here if all possible.
Today I was able to do the same with the boys. Just a little something special for them and the walk is always good, it is breathtakingly beautiful here. The family that worked at the store had very wide eyes when thirteen boys walked in wanted snacks and a soda! They did very good and it was fun to see what they picked out. Not a thing was left in the bags I assure you!
Saturday afternoon I drove down to Panajachel for the first time by myself. Thankful that I am trusted enough to do that. Did a little shopping and had lunch there, it was a wonderful afternoon.
I was able to bring Brent Thurman Bull Riding Shirts for all the boys and was so glad they fit. Was cool to see them wearing them.
Church this morning was wonderful. Evert led us in worship, so proud of him and the worship leader he is becoming.
Larry had a special message for the young kids, he always makes them laugh.
It is hard to believe I only have twelve more days here, can hardly stand to think about it. You would think a month would be enough time but it never is.
So a couple of days ago a family came to take two children home with them. Grateful for the time they had here to have the special care and love they needed while their family made changes and arrangements to care for them again. I fell in love with these sweet kids three years ago when they came to home. It was touching and heart-wrenching to see the kids, mamas, and all the workers come and say goodbye to them. I have been with them 3 months in past three years, they have been with them daily, so a very tough goodbye. But our goal is for the children to be placed back in family or that courts find another family member that qualifies to care for them so they get the care they need. Praying for them as they get used to being home again. (many pics on facebook too)
A note from Pedro:
How can your heart be so hopeful and so heartbroken at the same time? Is there a point in our lives when we can give Him what is rightfully His? Yesterday totally caught us by surprise. I can't say it was like any other day because reality is, we don't have normal days at Eagle's Nest. From meetings to hosting teams to wanting to play with kids and hold babies, there just isn't a normal day with us and we kind of like it that way. I just remember walking into the children's home office and hearing "Their mom is here." My initial thought was "Who's mom and why are they here on Wednesday???" Then I saw our social worker and our teacher getting “E” and “I’s” things together. I remembered last weeks court hearing with their mom. The judge has seen “E” and “I” improve greatly and he has seen the families social economic status improve. He felt it necessary to return the kids to their mother and their siblings. We, as their temporary guardians, offered to continue to provide housing during the week if it would be a problem for her as well as continue to provide their much needed therapies. The court and the family agreed. Everyone left feeling great about the agreement: the mom and The Nest would share the kids during the week and The Nest would provide the therapies, educational needs and medical care. Court order approved and signed.
Fast forward to yesterday. As we were preparing to give the family their things, their brother said "I'd like to talk to you.” We sat in the office and he explained how grateful they were with The Nest and God. He spoke of their plans as a family and how they were all bonding together to care for their siblings and their mother. Then as I asked what time they'd drop them off he said "That's what I want to talk about ." The social worker and I looked at each other and breathed deeply. "We won't be." Was his reply. He shared into great detail of their planned move to the City and how difficult it would be to bring them weekly. My heart sank.
I'll admit, tears filled my eyes. At first it was, "you can't just take them from us like this. Do you know how much we've invested into them? How many people all over the world love them?" It was such a selfish and ignorant reaction. Then I remembered what we've told countless people who've come to The Nest, our home, "our goal is that every child has a family. If they can't go back to their biological family, well then, that's why we're here.”
Trust me, lots of tears shed. Lots of hugs given. All the kids came to say goodbye. All the workers onsite said goodbye. I was amazed at who cried and the love that has been shared within these facilities. So, how can a heart be broken and hopeful at the same time??
I understand I'm a broken vessel. I have lots to work on and I will be an ongoing project until the day I'm before my Savior. I understand what His purpose is for me here. I understand that some kids may be here years or just days. I also understand that I am not in control. Our Heavenly Father has time and eternity in His hands. What little time we've been given with “E” and “I” or any child that comes here, I pray that we are able to show them the love, the care, the value they deserve. I pray that I'm able to release a child back to Him without fear and doubt because His will is much better and divine than mine.
I'm grateful that the family has given me their contact info, directions to get to their house and an open door policy for us to visit. I'm grateful that our social worker and special needs teacher are looking for new wheelchairs for them. I'm grateful for our huge EN familia who continue to pray and pour into our kids. I'm grateful for staff that is learning to genuinely love our kids and accept them into their family. I'm grateful for our kids here, who treat each other like family.
What's next??? Well, we now have 2 empty beds. Help me pray that we're able to love on the next kids to come in and treat them like who they are, children of a King. They love Papa PedroPapa Larry offering his encouragement to their mom....
I met this wonderful couple, and many of the team members in this video, in 2013.
It has been a blessing to be here in January when they come to serve for a week with a team from WA.
Because my trip started later this year I missed seeing them but want to share this awesome video they made a couple weeks ago.
It captures the beauty of the Children in the Home and the beauty of Guatemala.
My first week at EN has been wonderful. Was such a blessing to have my sweet friends Sue and Wendy here! They painted, loved on kids, exercised with kids, held, bathed, fed kids, and just did whatever was needed while they were here. Touches my heart to see them fall in love with the kids and Guatemala. May they be blessed for serving!!
We met Hannah on the plane coming to Guatemala, she is an intern here for three months, and was our roomie. She is an amazing young lady and I look forward to serving with her during the rest of my stay.
Every single moment has been filled with serving and loving - if not on the kids or the Mama's - on each other.
The home has several new babies, haven't gotten the names down nor have I taken many pictures yet, but I will.
It is always amazing to see how the kids have grown in a years time. Wednesday night church service was so special - it is very obvious they love the Lord with all their heart. They are such examples to the younger kids and my heart bursts with pride to see them leading and serving at church.
The girls have grown and are becoming wonderful young ladies.
So thankful they have all gotten the love, care, education, and guidance they needed here at Eagle's Nest. What a blessing to have been able to form relationships that will hopefully last forever.
Thanks for your support, prayers, and encouragement.
Well I am a little late I'm posting this - arrived Monday and has been wonderful to see all the kids! Lots of new babies to love on - still learning names.
This year I'm blessed to have two girlfriends , Sue and Wendy, here until Sunday. We have painted every morning, loved on kids, led exercise classes, and today we were helped with the Manna feeding program. Many of you know that is the feeding program held on Eagle's Nest property to feed impoverished children from the surrounding area. The are able to come have a hot meal and hear a story from the Bible.
A team has been here all week painting all the guest rooms and building new cabinets. They look great! School started this week so the kids at the Home have been busy after school getting books covered and doing homework after school.
Yesterday we were able to have our lunch meal in a families home nearby that serves as a small restaurant when teams come to Eagle's Nest. They prepare and serve
a typical meal - chicken soup, rice, fried chicken and a tortilla - yummy. I have known the family for many years but haven't been to the home for a lunch meal in years. It was so great to see them all.
So much to blog about - will try and catch up. As of now not able to get photos to load on blog, but have been able to post alot on Facebook if you want to take a look.
It is beautiful here, it is truly my second home, and I am so glad to be here!!!