Sunday, February 5, 2017


Haven't blogged much since I have been here for it is time consuming and usually too tired at night to do it.  Super Bowl is on now, went to room with TV, finally found station with it in English so I can say I watched it.  Thought would be good time to blog.

The big kids house parents were off this weekend so I got to stay with them Fri/Sat.  They have grown into such great young men.  One of the highlights of my trip last year was being Mama for the older kids for ten days.  They each had designated days to cook, chores to do, laundry, and homework. Ever made delicious Huevos Rancheros for dinner last night and the presentation was awesome.  

Unfortunately I missed tacos Juan Carlos made for lunch but got a picture.  

They are all really good cooks!  Eliceo made waffles for breakfast and I did cook for them - made them egg sandwiches before church today.  

Saturday morning I walked with the girls down to a little store for a soda and snack.  They don't get off the property much so I try and do that while I am here if all possible.  

Today I was able to do the same with the boys.  Just a little something special for them and the walk is always good, it is breathtakingly beautiful here.  The family that worked at the store had very wide eyes when thirteen boys walked in wanted snacks and a soda!  They did very good and it was fun to see what they picked out.  Not a thing was left in the bags I assure you! 

Saturday afternoon I drove down to Panajachel for the first time by myself.  Thankful that I am trusted enough to do that.  Did a little shopping and had lunch there, it was a wonderful afternoon.

I was able to bring Brent Thurman Bull Riding Shirts for all the boys and was so glad they fit.  Was cool to see them wearing them. 

Church this morning was wonderful.  Evert led us in worship, so proud of him and the worship leader he is becoming.
  Larry had a special message for the young kids, he always makes them laugh.

It is hard to believe I only have twelve more days here, can hardly stand to think about it.  You would think a month would be enough time but it never is.  

Thanks for your prayers and support.



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