So a couple of days ago a family came to take two children home with them. Grateful for the time they had here to have the special care and love they needed while their family made changes and arrangements to care for them again. I fell in love with these sweet kids three years ago when they came to home. It was touching and heart-wrenching to see the kids, mamas, and all the workers come and say goodbye to them. I have been with them 3 months in past three years, they have been with them daily, so a very tough goodbye. But our goal is for the children to be placed back in family or that courts find another family member that qualifies to care for them so they get the care they need. Praying for them as they get used to being home again. (many pics on facebook too)
A note from Pedro:
How can your heart be so hopeful and so heartbroken at the same time? Is there a point in our lives when we can give Him what is rightfully His? Yesterday totally caught us by surprise. I can't say it was like any other day because reality is, we don't have normal days at Eagle's Nest. From meetings to hosting teams to wanting to play with kids and hold babies, there just isn't a normal day with us and we kind of like it that way. I just remember walking into the children's home office and hearing "Their mom is here." My initial thought was "Who's mom and why are they here on Wednesday???" Then I saw our social worker and our teacher getting “E” and “I’s” things together. I remembered last weeks court hearing with their mom. The judge has seen “E” and “I” improve greatly and he has seen the families social economic status improve. He felt it necessary to return the kids to their mother and their siblings. We, as their temporary guardians, offered to continue to provide housing during the week if it would be a problem for her as well as continue to provide their much needed therapies. The court and the family agreed. Everyone left feeling great about the agreement: the mom and The Nest would share the kids during the week and The Nest would provide the therapies, educational needs and medical care. Court order approved and signed.
Fast forward to yesterday. As we were preparing to give the family their things, their brother said "I'd like to talk to you.” We sat in the office and he explained how grateful they were with The Nest and God. He spoke of their plans as a family and how they were all bonding together to care for their siblings and their mother. Then as I asked what time they'd drop them off he said "That's what I want to talk about ." The social worker and I looked at each other and breathed deeply. "We won't be." Was his reply. He shared into great detail of their planned move to the City and how difficult it would be to bring them weekly. My heart sank.
I'll admit, tears filled my eyes. At first it was, "you can't just take them from us like this. Do you know how much we've invested into them? How many people all over the world love them?" It was such a selfish and ignorant reaction. Then I remembered what we've told countless people who've come to The Nest, our home, "our goal is that every child has a family. If they can't go back to their biological family, well then, that's why we're here.”
Trust me, lots of tears shed. Lots of hugs given. All the kids came to say goodbye. All the workers onsite said goodbye. I was amazed at who cried and the love that has been shared within these facilities. So, how can a heart be broken and hopeful at the same time??
I understand I'm a broken vessel. I have lots to work on and I will be an ongoing project until the day I'm before my Savior. I understand what His purpose is for me here. I understand that some kids may be here years or just days. I also understand that I am not in control. Our Heavenly Father has time and eternity in His hands. What little time we've been given with “E” and “I” or any child that comes here, I pray that we are able to show them the love, the care, the value they deserve. I pray that I'm able to release a child back to Him without fear and doubt because His will is much better and divine than mine.
I'm grateful that the family has given me their contact info, directions to get to their house and an open door policy for us to visit. I'm grateful that our social worker and special needs teacher are looking for new wheelchairs for them. I'm grateful for our huge EN familia who continue to pray and pour into our kids. I'm grateful for staff that is learning to genuinely love our kids and accept them into their family. I'm grateful for our kids here, who treat each other like family.
What's next??? Well, we now have 2 empty beds. Help me pray that we're able to love on the next kids to come in and treat them like who they are, children of a King.
They love Papa Pedro
Papa Larry offering his encouragement to their mom....

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