Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Home - the Silence is Real

Washing of hands
It will be week tomorrow since I returned from Eagle's Nest Children's Home.
Lots and lots of hugs goodbyes and although I try not to cry, that seldom works.
The new Baby
My heart is full of love and gratefulness for my time there and I have so much to share.
It will be a goal to do so not only for those keeping up but so that I have written memories to look back on.
Smaller girls at the Home
By now I know when I return it takes several days to adjust to being home.  The thing I notice the most when I return is the Silence - it can be overwhelming at times.
Smaller boys at the Home
While at EN you hear beautiful sounds drifting up the mountainside - dogs barking, buses struggling to get up the windy mountain road, horns honking, firecrackers going off (early a.m. to celebrate Birthdays and continue throughout the day into the night),  music blaring from small town below the Home, and the sound of the wind whipping around the mountain top on a regular basis.
                                                    Medium age boys at the Home
                                       Some of the kids from Manna Feeding Program
Cutie from Manna
You also hear the lovely sounds of kids playing, toddlers running up and down the hallway, babies crying, kids laughing, etc.....  The sounds of Guatemala are like beautiful music to my ears, so I have soft Spanish Christian Music playing in the background from time to time, as I adjust to the Silence.
Thank you for keeping up with my journey.

Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed 
Luke 22:39

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