Tuesday, February 20, 2018

My kids

I promised myself I would share on my blog, not because many read it, but because I want to share memories on my heart.  Eagle's Nest was an orphanage with sixty five babies the first time I went there.  It was a week long trip doing whatever the team could to help with the 24/7 care of that many babies.  It was a privilege to do so and that is when I knew I would always be a part of this Ministry.
 Adoptions stopped a couple years later & Eagle's Nest transitioned from being on orphanage to a Children's Home.  That was eight years ago.  As children were placed in the Home the direction and responsibility changed from taking care of babies, to raising children until they turn eighteen.
These children are growing up to wonderful young adults, thanks to the love and care they have received at Eagle's Nest, as well as from teams that come year after year to serve and love on these kids.  The kids know many of us keep coming back, that this isn't a one time thing.
I have been fortunate the past few years be able to help parent the older boys and girls while
the full time House parents had vacations or time off.   Lots of  laughs and giggles getting to know each other better. Thank goodness for online translation!!! 
Several of the kids have learned English but are hesitant to speak it.  Although my Spanish is much better than it was, by no means am I fluent.
That is the goal I am striving towards this year.
The older boys that have turned eighteen are now living off the property.
They are working and going to school and I am so proud of them all.
Lots of laughs and memories made again this year.
As the kids get older and transition out of the Home I look forward to see God's plan for 
their lives. They each have a very special place in my heart and I am thankful for modern technology and being able to communicate with them throughout the year.
I really do consider these kids my kids.

Blessings, Denise

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when
 he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6


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