Monday, January 15, 2018

Busy days

The kids are getting into a routine going to school.  The backpacks sometimes weigh as much as them but they insist upon carrying them themselves. Thank goodness it is a short walk to school.

Was cute to see this little girl take out her doll to show her friends this morning.  
The mornings are spent with the toddlers while the other kids are at school.
This cutie is always smiling. We just hang out and play.  
 I was able to spend quality time with a couple of the older girls over the weekend.   We walked into town Saturday, ran some errands, and had yummy fried chicken for lunch. 
 We repeatedly tried to get a good selfie with the ladies making tortillas on the sidewalk behind us.  This is the best we could come up with but had lots of giggles trying.  The people around us started laughing at us too.  My girlfriend that is a selfie pro must give me some lessons.
 The girls thought I was crazy to want to take a picture of this gate.  The countryside is gorgeous but it is hard to capture the beauty in a photo.
We saw this cool fence walking to town - picture worthy.
I seldom share what I do here other than love, play, and exercise with the kids.
Always, always, painting, organizing or cleaning to be done so never short of something to do.
Will share more later, can barely keep my eyes open.
Thanks for keeping up.
Blessings, Denise

1 comment:

  1. Love the time you spend. Thanks. And Felis told me about your fun adventure today.
