Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day Two

Well, today was a great day at EN.  Although I am not a writer I feel like I am having writer's block trying to express my thoughts. Project completed today was the cleaning and reorganizing of front office.  Will paint tomorrow and do some furniture rearrangement.  Continue to rearrange and settle in my room. I am staying in a room with  the girls on the new third floor of the Home. They just moved in last week and are so excited to have their own rooms.  Two rooms with bunks are for the older girls and the smaller girls are all in one room with mattresses on the floor.  Each room has a bathroom which is awesome.  Prior to the completion of third floor they share one bathroom.  So grateful for all the teams and people that supported Eagle's Nest and made this happen.  OH, and the older boys now have their own rooms also.  They gave me a tour today and are very proud of their new area.  


Diana, Onoria, Rosita  

I was so happy to be able to help with the Manna feeding program today.  Since I was here for two months last year I saw the children on a regular basis and got to know them.  It was very special to get huge grins and hugs from a few of the children that remembered me.  They come from surrounding villages after approval from the pastor for a meal and short bible lesson five days a week. 

It truly is a blessing to be able to be here and love and hug on these kids. I pray that during my stay here they will see God's love in all that I do. I also pray that God's love and joyfulness is evident to the Mamma's, workers, teams, and interns that I will be serving with during my stay.  

Blessings to you,


2 John 1:6  Love means doing what God has commanded us, and he has commanded us to love one another, just as you heard from the beginning.

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