Friday, January 3, 2014

Back at Eagle's Nest - Yeah!!!

Happy New Year!  Thought I would write a short blog on the plane ride to Guatemala.
Can hardly wait to be at Eagle’s Nest Children’s Home again.  The past couple of months
have been so full that I have had little time to really think about being back.  It is because of the love, support, prayers, and encouragement of so many.  God has once again worked out all the details.  My heart continues to overflow with gratefulness.
I can hardly wait to love and hug on the kids, the Mama’s, the Grublets, the Manna kids, the Patlans, Boggs, and the workers.  What a blessing over the years to have established relationships with them.  Many of the kids have been at the Home since 2007 when I took my first week long trip to Eagle’s Nest.  It warms my heart to know they have been loved and cared for all these years.
Just like each of us every child here has a story.  It’s hard to imagine what would of happened to them had they not been taken in by EN.  Scary to think about because I love them so much.  This trip I will be sharing some of the children’s stories so that you can get a real feel for what a safe place this is for them.  EN has done an amazing job over the years providing for children and it has been an honor to witness them following what they have been called to do.

….So I arrived last night and was too tired to post this.  It was wonderfully heartwarming to be welcomed with shouts of Denise, Denise when I arrived.  Words can’t describe it.  Such a blessing to be here again!!
Wishing you Peace and Love in this New Year!  

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