Monday, January 6, 2014

Race Day for the Workers

Most of the workers here at Eagle's Nest have been here for many, many years.  They take care of the grounds, construction, maintenance, plumbing, water issues, trash, and the list goes on and on. 
They know and love the children and it is so sweet to see them interact and love on them.  Because of all their hard work around here Pedro set up a "run" for them to participate in this past Saturday. 

 I became the designated timer and had assistance from the older girls keeping track of names as they came across the finish line.  I had heard about the run Friday from a couple of the workers and the older boys wanting to know if I was doing it.That would be a NO

The older boys were very excited about being able to participate in the race with the workers. It was a steep switchback downhill two mile run.  Turn around at a water fall and then two miles back up the steep switchback hill (I mean mountain). Pedro had arranged for an ambulance to follow runners and he also had two police escorts.
The road is unlike anything you would see a 5K or a Marathon run on in the States I can assure you.  It is a very windy road, no shoulder, no guard rails on the cliff side, and traffic was not stopped.  

Registration was on a notepad when they showed up that morning.

The start line was drawn out with great precision using white concrete powder mix (I think that is what it was).  

The fitness attire and footwear worn is much different than what you would see in the States. 
Pedro and I set up the portable sound system that morning and the trophy table - which consisted of a Jersey, soccer ball, and a medal.
 The men gathered before the race and Pedro led them in prayer.

The older kids helped with the names as the runners came across the finish line.  The younger kids poured water and took to them after they finished.  The photographer was one of the Mama's I had given my camera to.
While the runners were gone the younger kids did a "mini-race" to the gate and back.
They had so much fun. 

 I used the timer on my phone to record every single mans time as they finished.
 As the workers and older boys crossed the finish line we cheered them on!  (the cheering squad was the kids and some of the mama's).  

 I think my favorite part was the "Podium" for awards presentation - cinder blocks we threw together at the last minute.  Priceless. 
 I loved being a part of it.  Pedro said it is just a small way to say thanks and have some fun with the men that keep this place operating in so many ways.  The simplicity of the race did not take away from the meaning or the importance of it.  A great time was had by all.
                              ....they will run and not grow weary,  
                                  they will walk and not be faint.
                                              Isaiah 40:31

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