Tuesday, January 14, 2014

School Started

                                   Diana, Maria, and Flory in the front - ready for school.

School started yesterday and the kids were so excited.  The Home has 41 children attending school this year.  A special needs classroom has been set up for Angel, Victoria, and Gabriel.
                                            Special Needs classroom

A teacher has been hired specifically to meet their needs and help them learn and grow as much as possible.  I can already tell a huge difference in them just from when I was here last year from the therapy they have received.
                                Sweet Victoria is ready for her first day of school!

A total of 175 kids are attending school for pre-k through sixth grade.  It is a private school that is ranked 2nd in the area.  That is awesome for a school that is just a few years old thanks to the leadership of Pedro!
                                     Group devotion before school starts

Each morning the children line up outside by grade  before entering the classrooms.  Group devotion is held several days a week before school.   Pedro took the big kids aside and prayed with them before they entered school the first day.
They will be examples to all the young children at the school and also the last year here.  Some will be able to further their education and some will not.  Many older kids have to attend school at night or on weekends as they get older so they can work in the fields or in the family business.

                                          Cecilia is new to the Home since I was last year.
                                          She was very happy to go to school.
                                          Juan Carlos and his buddy Marlon

The kids are adorable in their uniforms and backpacks when they leave the Home in the a.m. to walk the short distance to school.  School Sponsorships for the kids education are needed this time of year since school just starte.  They attend school ten months and $500.  provides for teacher salaries, books, supplies, uniforms, snacks, cleaning of school building, and electricity.

That comes to $50. a month for each child. Please consider sponsoring a child yourself or with a group of friends. (Ten friends each giving $50.)  Felis has also set up a buy a virtual book campaign for $25.00 a book to go towards funding the 41 kids from the Home if you are interested in doing that instead.
                                             Little Ms. Lizzy ready for school

Please feel free to pass this along to any church, group, or friends that would be interested in helping children get an education here at Eagle's Nest.  Thank you!!  www.eaglesnestint.org

A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.  
Proverbs 18:16 

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