Thursday, January 9, 2014


I would like to share how Macario came to EN a couple of weeks ago.  His mom passed away and his dad is an alcoholic.  His father remarried a woman that was mentally unstable.  Macario was not cared for at all. He was left in a room by himself with no food, no water, no one to clean him up, change his diaper, or to love and care on him.  Can you imagine how frightened, scared and alone this little boy most of been?  Macario is the height of a 1 1/2 year old and they guessed his age was probably no more than 2 when he was brought to Eagle's Nest.

I am not sure if his father or officials took him to the clinic, I think it was the dad.  He was near death.  Very, very malnourished.  The lady that helped nurse him back to health is a missionary in the town where he was being treated. I met her yesterday.  She called him a “miracle baby”.  She spent many hours praying over him and loving on him.  Many times she didn't think he would survive. When the dad came to visit at the clinic he would always be intoxicated.  
At some point she took him aside and told him that if he didn't get sober Macario would be removed from his care, if he survived. He visited one time after that, sober, then never returned. She told us Macario came to the clinic at three and a half years old weighing 7 lbs. He was in the hospital almost 6 months, making him four years old!!! He was wearing a diaper when they brought him here and being fed by bottle. She became very attached to him and wanted to make sure he was doing okay in his new home so came to visit. She was very happy with EN and the love and care he is receiving. When I first met him he just jumped up in my arms and gave me a big hug. What appears to be a black eye is a reaction from a spider bite. His skin is blotchy colored and I assume that is from undernourishment. It is wonderful to see him laughing, playing, eating, and being a little boy in his new home.

Please pray for him as he adjusts to being here.  Thank goodness EN is a place that can care for children coming from these situations.  It takes financial funding, received on a monthly basis, to meet the needs of raising 50 children full time. No amount is too small, please consider making a monthly commitment to help this wonderful ministry.

Blessings to you

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