Sunday, January 12, 2014


Yesterday morning was interesting.  I had gotten up to take cough medicine and decided to lay back down for just a bit to see if cough would subside.  It felt like I went into a deep sleep so I was extremely startled when it felt like someone was shaking my bed to wake me up.  So much so that I bolted up and said "what do you want" to thin air.  It was very perplexing for I couldn't replicate the bed moving the way it did.  Didn't occur to me it was an earthquake.  Felis told me later in day that Pacaya had erupted.  The team that left Thursday had wanted to hike "Pacaya" on their way out but the tourism guides had suggested not to.  Thank goodness.  Not sure if the earthquake caused volcano or vice versa but cool photos should you be interested.

The team that was here last week did a lot of activities with the kids and they loved it.  They taught them songs to sing at church, dance moves to use in a video clip, art projects, sports and so much more.  I was able to help with the field day activities and it was so much fun to watch the kids work together so their team would win.
 I got to help out team six

 Eli in the sack hop race

One legged race

 Sweet Ever helping Maria with the egg in the spoon race

The mama's and the babies cheering on during field day activities.

Another team arrived today and lots of projects will be going on this week. Looking forward to helping with painting and staining the boys rooms.   School starts tomorrow and the kids are excited about that.   More to come later.  Blessings to you.

Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter
 the kingdom of heaven.  Matthew 18:3


1 comment:

  1. Glad we didnt hike it then. Great photo of me and the team.

    Tim out...
