Friday, January 17, 2014

New Baby at EN

This adorable little boy was brought to Eagle's Nest Wednesday night.  
 He was abandoned at the hospital and authorities have asked EN to care for him.   No name was provided on documents so Felis has named him Brandon.  She is guessing him to be about six months old.  
It was easy to get a smile out of him and he seems healthy although he was none to happy when it was bath time. Odds are he hasn't had many, if any, baths in a sink. I made excuses to go to the Home and love on him as much as possible yesterday.  Even got to feed him dinner.  I told the mama's that he would fit in my backpack just fine!!  They all laughed....

Bryan is around nine months old and he too was abandoned at the hospital.  I believe his age is nine months old and he has been here several months.

When babies are left at hospital it is usually because the family simply can't afford to take care of them.  If no family members come forward to care for him the courts will give EN full custody and he will be raised here till he is 18, like many of the children here.

All of the kids love Mama Felis and Papa Pedro.  They are not just raising their three kids, they are basically raising 48, can you even imagine?  Larry and Claire will be here next week and the kids are very, very excited that are coming for awhile.  (they started this ministry about 35 years ago - and I can't wait to see them too)
                                                       Papa Pedro getting hugs from Jaciel
                                           Cutie Ever with Felis

Prayers for them as they oversee this awesome ministry; they do an amazing job.  May they be blessed with every need that is necessary to keep things running smoothly and for the strength, wisdom, and guidance to do so on a daily basis.

We are off to Chela today to purchase some items needed and to see the Grublets!!  So excited.  Will post photos later.  Thanks for keeping up...

One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts
Psalm 145:3


  1. These updates lift me up - I am so happy for you Denise and for the love and the word that you are spreading.

  2. Thanks Shelly!! Love being here. Have loved on your kiddos daily. They are just so sweet!! Thanks for keeping up!!
