Wednesday, January 29, 2014

New Babies

Last night at Eagle's Nest, so hard to believe.  So many stories and photos to share!
The authorities called yesterday and asked if Eagle's Nest could take in a one day old baby. 
Yes, one day old!!!  She is tiny, tiny.  Her name is Flori de Maria.  She was born in the hospital down the road and her mother said she didn't want her.  Thankful for relationships that have been formed at the hospital so they call EN to take in babies that are not wanted. 
A social worker met with the mother and grandmother today.  As of now Flori de Maria will stay in the custody of Eagle's Nest until further investigation is done.  If a family member comes forward and says they can care for her and have the means to do so she could be removed from home.  But that will take months.  In the meantime, she is being loved and cared on by everyone here. 
I was able to make a short post on Facebook last night but had not time to blog until now.  What a special treat when Felis asked if I wanted her to stay with me last night!!  So awesome and of course I said yes.
Felis older daughter, Adrianna, stayed as well and was a huge help.  We had a slumber party.
Flori de Maria was just a bit fussy off and on but once she got settled in bed with me she was just fine.  
Since Adrianna had school today so I tried to take most of night shift so she could rest.  It was so awesome to have a sweet little baby to love on and grateful that they trusted me to do so. 
 It was great to wake up with her this morning, give her a bath and feed her.   She is beautiful.
Late today another child was brought to Eagle's Nest!  The authorities had called Felis and asked if she could take a newborn in.  Her birthdate is unknown but the guess is she is around two weeks old.  She weighs 5 llbs and 2 ounces, her name is Maria de Los Angeles.  Her mother gave her to a woman she didn't know and ran off and has not been seen since.  The woman went to the authorities for it would be illegal for her to keep a child under those circumstances.  That is when they called EN and asked if she could be cared for here.  
She was very dirty and smelly so the a bath was first on the list, although she wasn't real happy about it.
She is as tiny as sweet Flori de Maria but since her umbilical cord is gone the guess is she is around two weeks old.  Felis got her all cleaned up, I found some tiny baby clothes for her in the basement, she got a bottle and calmed down.  Last I saw her she was sleeping. Felis will be keeping her the next few nights and unless the authorities can track down the mother and find a family member she will be raised here at Eagle's Nest. 
The funds that are given to EN will help buy formula, diapers, medicine, clothes, and childcare around the clock for these sweet babies.  I only wish they had come to the home when I first arrived rather than my last two days here!!  It is comforting to know the love, care and hugs they will get here and am grateful for that.  
Thanks for your love, support, and prayers as I have served this month.

Three things will last forever - faith, hope, and love - and the greatest of these is Love.
1 Cor 13:13

1 comment:

  1. Precious life, God's gift. So glad you are there to love on these little angels Denise.
