Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Update on Little Johnny

Little Johnny came to church with is family on Sunday.  He had been released from hospital on Wednesday and rested a few days.  It was so great to see him and he showed us his scar.  He was able to start school on Monday so is just a week behind.  He is one of the children that is able to go to school because of  scholarships that are provided to many students.  If anyone would be interested in helping with scholarships just let me know and I will point you in the right direction!

The kids have really been enjoying the exercise with the kiddos - of all ages!
I was able to help with swim last friday with the school kids and that was alot of fun.  They are so anxious to learn.  After swim a couple of the girls from the Home started doing lunges, then went into pushups, then set ups.  It was so cute! The water is freezing cold so it helped warm them up for sure.
Onoria and Rosalita
It is probably odd to some that I am at a facility that has a pool.  It is a long story how this piece of property was acquired about 6 years ago.  The sequence of events that led up to Larry and Claire actually being able to purchase the property has God's hand all over it.  Wouldn't of been possible under any other circumstances.  The property was to be a resort type facility and was very run down and need of repair.  Plus it was WAY out of price range for them.  Claire felt in her heart that this was were they were to move the Home and just kept bringing people here to show them and prayed that someone could help them.   And someone did.  He was able to negotiate and got the property for about three quarters less than what they were asking for it!!  Hopefully someday Claire will have the time to write about how it happened for it is pretty incredible.  So, while the pool was just a benefit it is now used for the School kids play time, the Home kids get to use it when schedules allow, and the Manna children get to use it.  As I have mentioned before it is the only "bath" many of the Manna children get week to week. 
So much to be grateful for.

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